Original eau de Cologne 4711 or to give it its full title ‘4711 Echt Kölnisch Wasser’ is possibly the oldest continually produced fragrance in the world having been created in 1792 (or 1799 depending on which source you read).
Get original eau de cologne 4711 from: Amazon.com (US): https://amzn.to/2P4gFGa
Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3ed0COY
Eau de Cologne 4711 is based on the original “aqua mirabilis” developed by Johann Maria Farina during 1708 / 1709. This later adopted the name Eau De Cologne as French patrons simply referred to it as the water from Cologne. The original aqua mirabilis was developed as medicine just as much as a fragrance. This original cologne was simply based on dilute alcohol with oils including lemon, orange, tangerine, clementine, and bergamot.
Original eau de cologne 4711 invites you to spray on your hands, rub, and take a sniff. So that’s what I did. WOW it really clears your sinuses. It’s an expensive way to clear your breathing but it’s a fun experiment.
I prefer the modern Colognes that have taken the basic idea of alcohol and citrus and have turned the thing into much more sophisticated perfumes. To me original Cologne 4711 still smells a bit like medicine. However, if you are a huge citrus lover or you simply want to have something that’s very close to the original it’s worth trying.